Show Me How (It's Kind Of Personal Book 2) Page 7
“Ugh!” I roughly re-tie my hair in a ponytail and my stomach rumbles, reminding me that I haven’t eaten today. I open the fridge and pull out the brown paper bag Brandon brought. When I open it and see Chinese, I smile like an idiot. My favorite.
* * *
It takes me the rest of the day to finish cleaning. Normally when I work, it takes my mind off my past. But today it won’t leave me no matter how hard I try.
I take an extra hot shower and collapse on the bed in my sleeping shorts, a tank top, and fuzzy slippers. My fingers rub the comforter where Brandon was lying earlier. His woodsy smell lingers and a blush spreads over my cheeks when I remember what happened earlier.
The right decision was for him to leave. There’s so much history and too many feelings to count. We definitely need time. I’m just about to doze off when there is a knock on my door.
I forgot to bring Betty her books. I grab the bag from the drawer, and like an idiot open the door without looking through the peephole.
“Hey, Slim.”
He leans in to kiss my cheek, and I don’t move.
“What?” He walks in and plops on my bed, arms behind his head. “Not happy to see me?”
Joe is my . . . fuck buddy. He’s a trucker who stops through every three to four weeks. I met him one night about four years ago when I was at Betty’s place. Her home connects to the office. Joe’s father was a regular here, and Betty had known Joe since he was a baby. I was having a beer with her, and he knocked on her door.
Betty swore up and down that he was a good guy. She trusted him. And since I trusted her, I let him walk me back to my room. He didn’t even touch me that first night. The next time he was in town, he passed me when I was on my way back from doing laundry. It really was one of those ‘it just happened’ things.
Before Joe, I’d only had sex with two other men. And I was twenty-four when I lost my virginity. Both other men were staying at the motel and alcohol definitely played a factor. I had only let my guard down a few times and regretted it every time.
Joe’s the only one who has been in my room, and he really is a nice guy. He’s never here for more than a night, and what little time we spend together is always fun.
The stark contrast between Brandon and Joe lying on my bed is insane. Joe’s a few inches shorter and has a slightly rounded belly. His hair is dark blond and his eyes are green. He has a few more wrinkles around his eyes than I would expect for a thirty-four-year-old man, but I assume it’s from squinting in the sun while driving.
I shut the door and put the books away.
“Joe, I . . .”
He must sense the tension in my voice because he sits up. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is really wrong, but I can’t.” I clear my throat and stand up straighter. “We can’t do this anymore.”
His brows furrow together and he stands directly in front of me. “Why not?”
“There’s a guy.”
“Oh. I see.” He sits down and pats the bed next to me.
I sit as far away as I can, not out of fear, but because it feels awkward almost, and offer a weak smile. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. I understand. I don’t expect you not to have a relationship because of me.”
“I’ll miss seeing you. And I don’t just mean the sex. I have fun with you.”
“Me, too.”
“You have my number if you ever change your mind or if things with this guy don’t work out.”
“I do.” Lord help me, I want it to work out with Brandon. It’s been my dream for more than half my life, but we haven’t exactly addressed the elephant in the room . . . Steve.
“Wanna order a pizza and get a movie?”
I look at Joe. Really look at him. There is nothing but kindness on his face and a genuine smile on his lips. He’s been good to me. One of the only other people aside from Betty who I’ve really talked to. It wouldn’t be fair to him if I kicked him out. He hasn’t done anything wrong.
I shrug. “Sure. You order and I’ll pick out a movie.”
I flip through the channels, quickly passing the free porn, and find an action movie on one of the movie channels.
“Pizza will be ready in twenty minutes.”
“Cool. Is this good?” I point to the itty-bitty television screen.
“Yeah. It’s great.”
We watch the movie for about fifteen minutes. “You want wine or beer?”
“Beer’s good. Thanks.”
“Be back in a few.”
While he’s gone across the street to the gas station/restaurant, I use the bathroom and get out paper plates and napkins.
When he returns, we eat pizza, drink beer, and watch crappy movies. It’s fun, and I do like Joe. But it makes me realize even more how deeply in love with Brandon I am.
Chapter 8
After I leave Mary, I drive to my parents’ house. I feel like an ass for yelling at her, but when she said I could never lose her, I lost it. I’ve felt for years that I had lost her. Scaring her away by being a prick isn’t going to help. She needs to know that I’m here for her. I’m not giving her a choice.
Part of me understands why she thinks she needed to do what she did. I wish she had talked to me, explained the threat she felt she was under. My family and I could have reassured her. We would have promised to keep her safe.
But the past is the past. We can’t change it. So the only thing I can do is push on and hope she wants to be with me as much as I want to be with her. And God, do I want to be with her. More so now than ever. When I tasted her for the first time, every feeling for her multiplied. They intensified and seeped into my veins. There’s no way, absolutely no fucking way, I can lose her again.
With a quick knock, I open the door to my parents’ house and holler to announce my presence.
“In the den!” my dad shouts.
“Hi, Brandon. Go sit by your father and I’ll bring you a snack!” Mom yells from the kitchen.
“Hey.” I pat him on his shoulder when I walk by and pull a stool across from him.
“Talk to me,” he says, noting the tension in my body as his eyes assess me. Hell, I can feel how tight I am. Not only from the past twenty-four hours with Mary, but also from having the worst case of blue balls on the fucking planet.
“I found her.”
“No,” he mouths then clears his throat. “How? Where? When?”
“Charlotte was in her motel room last night.” Fuck, I have to talk to Travis and see how she’s doing. Plus, I need to find out the connection between those two. “When Mary opened the door, I nearly passed out.”
“No shit?”
“Dad. I found her.” I stand and look away so he can’t see that I’m about to break down.
“Working on getting more. But pretty much she’s been at Pay-By-Day for twelve fucking years as a live-in maid.”
He whistles, thoughts obviously the same as mine. She was so close this whole time.
“How did she take to seeing you?”
I chuckle and sit on the brown leather couch next to him. “At first, she was mad.”
“Because she didn’t want to be found. And get this shit.” I shake my head just thinking about it. “She ran because she wanted to protect us from Scott Smith.”
“Come again?” he asks in disbelief.
“Yeah, she said he threatened her and she was worried if she stayed that he would retaliate against our family. Fuckin’ stubborn woman. And . . . she blames herself for you being in a wheelchair.”
He pulls his head back and rubs his hands over his face. “I don’t even know what to say, son. That’s. Well, it’s incredible you found her, but at the same time . . . How on Earth could she blame herself? I don’t believe what you’re telling me.”
“Don’t believe what, dear?” Mom comes in with a t
ray of cheese and crackers. She sets it on the end table between me and Dad then sits on his lap in his wheelchair.
“Brandon found Mary.”
She gasps. “Alive?”
“Yeah. Alive and well. Hiding out in a motel out on I-94.”
Mom stands and claps, then runs to me and throws her arms around my neck. “That is the best news ever. Of course, there’s going to be work to do to rebuild your relationship, but that’s just amazing.”
“I know, Mom. It is amazing.”
* * *
“Hey, pretty lady? How’s my favorite girl?”
I lean down and scoop up my cat, Kat, and rub behind her ears. She purrs against my hand and I set her back down and grab a can of food.
As soon as I dump it in her bowl, she chows down. “Pig.”
I try to wear myself out with push-ups and a run on the treadmill, but it’s not working. Not only is my brain on overdrive, my body is humming with nervous energy. What really happens now? I know what I want to happen—to get her out of that motel and in my house—but does Mary want the same thing? I guess all I can do is wait until I talk to her.
If it were up to me, we’d just pick up where we left off, but I know that’s asking a lot. She obviously needs some time, so I have no choice but to give it to her. She has some issues she’s going to have to sort out, and the last thing I want to do is push her for more than she’s ready to give.
Remembering that I need to call Travis, I pick up the phone and dial his number. He doesn’t know everything about Mary. He thinks she was just a friend and that she moved away. My parents and I didn’t want to worry him, and at the time, I didn’t think he’d understand. After all these years, I guess we kept up with it out of habit or something. I’ll have to tell him the truth eventually. As soon as all this shit calms down, I will. He picks up on the second ring.
“Hey, man. How’s Charlotte?”
He blows out a breath. “Good, considering. Thanks for helping me out. I know I was a dick, but I was so worried about her.”
“No problem, I'm just glad we found her and she's okay.” I'm glad he has someone to care about, someone who loves him back. He deserves it after what he went through. “So how does she know Mary?”
“Yeah. What the fuck was that? You look like you’d seen a ghost.”
“It’d been a long time since I’d seen her. I was shocked.”
“Shocked is an understatement. Not sure I’ve seen you panicked a day in your life. But as far as how they know each other? Fuck, I don’t know. I didn’t even ask with everything that happened.”
“Don’t sweat it. I’ll find out tomorrow.”
He yawns. “All right. I’m beat, man. You need anything else?”
“Nah, just wanted to see how everything was. Get some shut eye.”
After a shower, I force myself to bed and toss and turn all night. Eventually, I must have fallen asleep because my alarm clock starts blaring at six thirty in the morning.
I plan on stopping by Mary’s place on my way to work. There’s no way I could start my day without seeing her, and I need to ask her about how she knows Charlotte.
I dress in my uniform of black pants, a black t-shirt, and black boots. I clip my gun in its holster then grab my badge and attach that to my belt as well.
Before I leave, I feed Kat and give her a rub behind her ears then I get in my car and drive to see my Mary.
* * *
When Mary opens her door and squints against the sunlight, she pulls her head back and I see a bruise on her cheek.
“What the fuck?” I ask and slam her door open. “What happened to you?” Reaching up to touch her face, anger coils in my gut.
“I fell last night.”
Movement catches me out of the corner of my eye, and when I turn my head, a man sits up from her bed.
“Bullshit. He hit you? Who the fuck is this?”
“Hey, man. She fell, I swear.” He holds his hands out like I’m pointing a gun at him, then he stands.
“Joe, you should go.” Mary’s words are rushed, and she sends a pleading look to him.
“All right, Slim.” He walks up to her and pulls her into his arms, right in-fucking-front of me.
I’ve been in bad situations as a cop, life and death standoffs, and I’ve always been able to keep myself calm. Assess a situation and take the appropriate steps. That’s what I’m trained to do. And I’m good at it. But right now, I have no control. All I see is a piece of shit who has his hands on my Mary—who woke up in the same bed as her—and a fresh bruise on her cheek. Jealous and livid at the same time, the snake uncoils and releases its venom. I rip him off her and slam him against the wall.
“Don’t fucking touch her!”
“Brandon! Stop!”
“Motherfucker.” I grip his shirt even tighter and smash him against the wall again. His head ricochets off and little pieces of drywall fall to the floor.
“I didn’t hurt her.” He gasps.
“Brandon, please. Stop.” Mary is pulling at my arms, desperately trying to get me off. “He didn’t hurt me, I swear. I drank too much last night and fell off the bed. Let him go, please.”
I steal a glance over at her and she has fear in her eyes because of me, so I release my hands and he falls to the ground.
“Fuck,” I whisper, not believing I lost control like that. “Shit.”
“Oh, my God. Joe, are you all right?”
I take a couple of steps away until the backs of my knees hit the mattress, and allow myself to sit. I watch as Mary helps him up, brushes his shoulders off, and looks into his eyes. Her words are muffled to my ears, their bodies a blur. I finally snap out of it when she walks him to the door then comes back and pushes me on the shoulder.
“What the hell was that? You don’t just come in here and start beating people up. Jesus, Brandon. You’re lucky he wasn’t injured and he’s a really nice guy. Otherwise, I’m sure you’d be in a shitload of trouble at work if he wanted to press charges.”
“What happened to your face?”
“I fell! I already told you that!” she screams.
“Who the fuck was he?”
She shrinks into herself and looks away. “A friend.” There it is.
“What kind of friend?”
“Just a friend.”
I stand and grab her shoulders and turn her so she’s looking at me. “The kind of friend you fuck, Mary? Has he had his dick inside you?”
She pushes me back and I actually stumble from the force of it.
“Fuck you, Brandon. You don’t get to come here and tell me what I can or can’t do with my life.”
“I’m not telling you anything. I’m asking if you’ve fucked him,” I say evenly, even though my body is shaking right now. I don’t exactly know what’s happening, but I’ve never felt this kind of emotion before.
“And I’m telling you it’s kind of personal.”
“So that means yes.”
“Oh, my God! What the hell is wrong with you?” Her hands fly in the air and she slams them back down on her hips. “He’s a friend. That’s all I’m telling you.”
“A friend you won’t be seeing anymore.”
Anger flashes in her eyes, “You don’t get to come back into my life and tell me what or who to do. I can see whoever the hell I want.”
“You can, can you?” I squint my eyes and slowly take a step closer.
She moves back until her butt bumps against her dresser. “Yes. I can.”
“No. Not anymore.” Christ, I sound like a controlling asshole, but the thought of her fucking somebody else, even touching them, is turning me into a fucking prick. I should be waking up with her in the morning, not that piece of shit.
When my knees bump into hers, she shudders and I take a deep breath. I need to calm the fuck down. I raise my hand to touch her face, and she flinches.
“You know I’d never hurt you.”
“I used to. I thought I did.
But after that,” she points to the hole in the drywall, “I’m not so sure. Goodbye, Brandon.” She pushes my hand away and ducks under it, and then she disappears into the bathroom.
Christ. I fucked up. I collapse in the chair and scrub my hands over my face. What in the hell is happening to me? I never do that. Emotions do not control me. Hit with both the thought of somebody hurting her and somebody fucking her at the same time, I lost my cool for a second. My head falls back to rest on my intertwined fingers, and I close my eyes as I force myself to calm down.
The bathroom door creaks open and Mary steps out with a small white towel wrapped around her chest. It barely covers her thighs. My dick immediately twitches, and she gasps when she sees me.
“I thought you left.” Her frantic hands try to adjust the towel to cover more of her smooth skin.
“No. Never. You can’t get rid of me now.”
She walks to the dresser a few feet away and bends over to pull open a drawer.
“Stop,” I say, swallowing down the anger when I think about another man touching her, seeing her like this.
Her body freezes, but she looks over her shoulder and narrows her eyes. I stand and walk behind her. My fingers rub underneath the top of the towel, and I give it a tug so it piles up on the floor by her feet.
“What are you doing?” She tries to cover herself, but I pull her back against my front and grab her wrists, firmly placing them at her sides.
“You are so hot, Mary.” I let go of her wrists and my hands hover over them for a moment to make sure they stay in place. Then I trail my fingers up her arms until I reach her neck. Gathering her hair in my fist, I grip it and give a gentle pull so she looks up into the mirror attached to the dresser.
Her eyes meet mine, and I lean down to run my tongue from under her ear down to her collarbone. I let go of her hair, and with both hands, one on each perfect tit, I pinch and circle her nipples. I put my fingers in her mouth to get them wet, then rub the buds harder. She moans and her head falls back on my chest.
“Watch,” I command. “I want you to see me. See who’s touching you. You need to know it’s me that’s about to make you come.” She whimpers and looks back at the mirror, watching my hands play with her, touch her, love her. “You want to come, don’t you, Mary?”